Saturday, August 22, 2009

Party! Party! Party!

Being in another mood to not take pictures I didn't take my camera with me today. Turns out, I was very grateful that at least my phone had a camera on it becuase who wouldn't want to miss taking at least one picture of Garrett's birthday party! It was so fun to be able to go to one of my nephews birthdays!


Then after the big shindig, we all went to check out the Herriman "beach." When I first told the girls that, they thought that we were going to the 'real' beach at first until I explained to them the whole thing about lakes/ponds can have beaches too.


All I have to say is that I am absolutely loving having more family close by.

(Now I just need to figure out a way to get everyone else out here....)


Kimberly said...

Well, if you move out HERE, you can go to a REAL beach.

Carolyn (Dragon) said...

It may be sand, but it's just not beach sand. Wish you were close tnough to come use my beach all the time.

Merry said...

I am grateful for this beach! My boys are terrified of the ocean waves! Alex and even Alyssa got in the water and had fun! Thanks for coming out and hanging with us. It was more fun with you all there.