Saturday, October 8, 2011


After a little bit of golf in the backyard, the girls begged for a campfire.....after all I have been promising them that we would have one sometime this year.

And what campfire wouldn't be perfect with 'smores. yum!



Perfect night for it.

I am thankful that the girls had fun singing silly songs with me.


Carolyn (Dragon) said...

fall campfire's are great! Did you roast potatoes wrap in foil in the coals!

Kimberly said...

You are so fancy with your containers for the s'more stuff. We usually just rip open the packages and go from there.

Clammy said...

We usually just rip into them too but it seems that most of the graham crackers and such end up on the ground with the wrappers so I decided to try something different this time. ....and it did seem a lot easier for the girls.