Saturday, October 11, 2008

Day 283

There were far to many photos to choose from today but I chose this photo which should be titled 'Who stole the Candy from the Candy Jar?' At Arlenes house there are candy jars out and this little one would take one and then eat it and then go back for another and then another and then another. Finally I put the jars to a place where her little hands wouldn't be able to reach. But then Grandpa decided to sneak her little was too funny! She also found the candy bowl at Roberts house. I think she has a nose for candy. I am grateful for sneaky little grandpas! =)


Kimberly said...

I can tell I am related to Acadia. I had to quit putting out jars of candy several years ago. I would keep going back for another and then another and then another.

Arlene said...

Perfect picture - looks like her cheeks are full. I wondered who else liked those gumdrops! hehehe

Merry said...

That's funny! Grandpa your awesome!