Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Not yet baby!

Well...turns out on Sunday night that the rest of us came down with the stomach flu.


By Monday morning I was having contractions and was getting worried because they were getting closer and stronger. I still had sick kids to take care of, a sick husband, and myself. Around lunch time the younger 2 seemed to be feeling much better and flu wise I was doing better too, but the contractions weren't. So, we took the kids to my inlaws house and headed to the hospital.

Turns out I was very dehydrated. So after hours and hours of being monitored and being pumped full of a couple of bags of IV fluid the contractions slowed down and I was able to go home.

Guess that this is kind of a wake up call that the baby is going to be here before we know it and I really need to get some more things done to get ready for her.

But that is kind of hard to do since the dr told me to stay down as much as possible....especially since just about anything starts the stinkin contractions. =(
Oh well.

I am very grateful that this little one gets to stay in my belly a little longer. Everyday she's in there will make a big difference. I wonder how much longer she will stay in there...I have 6 more weeks until her due date.


Carolyn (Dragon) said...

She is certainly anxious to get here. Hope she is willing to stay in the oven a while and that there's nothing wrong with her that is making her want to come early. Love you loads and will see you a while.

Kimberly said...

So sorry you've been having such a rough time of it.

Arlene said...

I would want to get out and see my family, too, if I were in your belly. Wait. That didn't come out the way it was in my head. Anyway, good luck staying down. Try to enjoy it a little before you are a mother of 4! :D