Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day 274


Curse this stinkin' book! I find it silly with all the romance, but I am intrigued to find out what is going to happen. I read it until 1:30am last night! I can't do that! I need the precious little sleep I get on a normal day! And then I kept thinking about vampires once I was in bed. Curse this book and vampires! But, I am always grateful for a good read.


Arlene said...

Oh this made me laugh! I felt the same way, but got hooked! At least you can read all 4 together and be done.

Anonymous said...

So, I shouldn't borrow it when your done? I kind of don't want to read it, just because I want to be the one sane person or insane person in the world of reading!!! Just kidding. I need to size up my competion. I'm going to need to get you reading until 2 AM!!!

Merry said...

You are funny! I think we all hate and like them at the same time. Their romance and Bell drove me crazy... and your only on book one! Just wait! But I was grateful for the books. I have nightmares about vampires all the time so it was good to read a book that made vampires not so scary to me.

Carolyn (Dragon) said...

I won't read books like this. I don't like horror stories or movies. No Frankensteins, no ghouls, no living dead, no vampires..... Now witches, warlocks, wizards, dragons, pirates... that's a different story.