Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 197

Workers from the power company came to "supposedly" cut the branches away from the power lines. They sat out in their truck talking for 20 mintues until they came to the door. And then they just kind of lally-gagged out back while 'trimming' branches from the tree. It just sounded like they were lounging around chatting the whole time. Ashlyn even found them sleeping in their truck when she came home from day camp. Well, when they finally left I looked up in the tree and there were still tons of branches everywhere toucing and growing over the power lines. I couldn't even see where they cut any branches away. So, why did the power company send them out here? Oh, well. But, we found this cool safety vest out back when they left....we found them in the neighborhood the next day and returned it to them. I am just grateful that it didn't cost me a thing to have them lounging out back.


Carolyn (Dragon) said...

Yeah, but now they're going to have to come back and really do it before you lose your power...if there is a bad storm. Which there could be. You never know when.

Arlene said...

Cool picture. I thought you might keep it for dress ups or Halloween.