Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 182

Ok, I found out where my pictures were...they were on the point and shoot that Weston had taken to work. But Shauna had a great idea of having a little birthday party for Weston a couple of days early. He was so surprised and you could just tell by the way that he was acting that he loved it. Thankgoodness for sisters!

Strange....I didn't have any photo's for today. SO here is one from yesterday. Ashlyn had an eye appointment...she is down to patching for 1 hr a day! Hurray! But there is this pretty little fenced in courtyard with a little waterfall right outside of the entrance of the hospital and the girls wanted to go expore it today. I am grateful for the relaxing sound of a waterfall.

1 comment:

Merry said...

Holy bonfire Batman! That cake is blazing. J/K Weston.

You have such pretty girls!