Thursday, May 29, 2008

Day 148

This just made my day! I heard a little knock on my back door and I opened it to find Acadia standing there with some flowers (and no, I didn't just send her outside to play by herself. I had barely stepped into the kitchen to set something down when she knocked) and then she handed them to me. The flowers were just sitting in my backyard waiting to be planted, but I thought that it was so cute...almost like she wanted to surprise me with flowers. I am grateful for little things that make me smile.


Kimberly said...

That is so, so cute!

And, by the way, why are you guys still wearing jackets? It is 92 degrees here today!

Carolyn (Dragon) said...

she is so cute! What a thoughtful child.

Arlene said...

She does look very cute. :)

Clammy said...

Hey, it got up to 75 today! And it is supposed to drop back in the 60's in a couple of days....the weather has been so mild and cool this spring. It doesn't feel like the kids should be out of school yet.