It's summer and ALL the kids are home almost ALL day long.
I love my kids to death but you can imagine what my house looks like with 4 girls running around.
Polly pockets, Barbies, Little Pet shops, Little People, blocks, puzzles, etc lay scattered around my house.
I can handle their rooms being messy because I don't see them all day long, but when the family room and kitchen get out of hand it can make me crazy.
So today we tried a 2 minute tidy.
I told the kids that it was a race to see how much they could get picked up in 2 minutes.
It was A-mazing.
They raced around and got EVERYTHING cleaned up! I think they even had a few seconds to spare.
I think I must try this more often. =)
I am thankful for things that motivate.
turning something they really don't want to do into a contest works well, most of the time.
Isn't amazing how much kids can get cleaned up when we do stuff like this?! And when I don't do this, they just drag it out for soooooooo long.
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