Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Another day of play

We wanted to go for a light hike (since I'm not supposed to be doing anything strenuous) and play in the water today.

Before we even started on the trail, Little A had managed to go in the stream and get her shoes soaked.
Once we got on our way, she couldn't stand having the red dirt caked all over her shoes. So every chance she got she would scrape some off.

While Baby Rootbeer, her dad, and her papa were trying to set up a climb/repel we rested and sat and watched them. I think its funny that I look so awful in this pic. I look like it is burning hot out but it was a real nice day with perfect temps.

After I got tired of trying to keep little A from falling to her death on the rocks around the climbing place, I took her and E and headed down the trail to see if we could catch up with the others who went ahead.

I thought this sign was funny. I guess someone may be confused about when they are in the wilderness.


We never caught up to the rest of the group so we found a nice spot to stop and play in the water while we waited for the 'climbers' to catch up to us.


It's funny how much excitement a few inches of water can bring.




Can you guess what she's doing in the water? Dancing and singing her little heart out!



Silly girl. This picture just cracks me up!




And then finally, the climbing group arrived (turns out they weren't able to get the climb set up...Baby Root Beer was sure bummed about that).



Baby Rootbeer was brave enough to venture into the deep pool of water near us. The water was FREEZING.

There were some people who were cliff jumping (I guess you could call it) near us. My hubby dared her to jump. He said that if she went off the low one he would go off the high one. So she agreed.

She said that when she got to the edge she didn't want to jump anymore, but then she saw the crowd of people waiting at the bottom.


Oh the pressure!!!! =)

She even said some of them had their cameras ready! =0

So, she didn't chicken out. She forced herself to jump!!!

And I thought she was crazy for walking in the little pool of water!

My DH and my older 2 went with nana to look at some of the pools that were farther up the path. But I really needed to head back down. My feet and ankles were swollen and I could tell that I had over done it from that little hike.

We had left just in time too. Little A didn't last too long before she seemed completely worn out.

I am grateful that my FIL was willing to give her a ride back to the car. Carrying her is not something that I can really do right now.

Oh and here is a cool looking tree. I saw an elephant. Baby RB saw a rhino. And from the other direction of it, it looks like a dragon/dinosaur.


Another day of fun. Now time to go and put my feet up.


Kassie said...

Beautiful family and Beautiful photos : )

Carolyn (Dragon) said...

Great pictures of your trip. You've got some crazy kids there. What a wonderful fil you have. Carrying his pack as well as his Granddaughter.

Unknown said...

Brrr. I bet that water was cold.

Kimberly said...

What great pictures! Sounds like a fun day.