Wednesday, January 19, 2011

To market. To market.


E has been so excited for what tomorrow brings! It is market day in her grade. Her and a fellow classmate have their own booth and they have decided to sell trailmix and drinks.....all for 37 cents!!!
Everything needs to be less than a dollar and has to use penny's in the price too (if that makes sense) is to help the kids figure out how much to give to pay for things (if it is their turn to buy) or how much change to give (if they are the seller).
I am thankful for excitement.


Kimberly said...

What a great way to teach money skills!

Merry said...

That's fun!

Carolyn (Dragon) said...

I want to buy some! Do they mail!

Arlene said...

I remember when A did this! :) SO cool!