Monday, October 18, 2010

A walk in the woods

My sister left this morning. Before she left we had time to go for a walk in the woods. Little A was so funny. First, I had her dressed in a red dress with those black leggings. Then before we left for our walk she slipped this petticoat on over her outfit. She looked way to dressed up to be going for a walk. And as soon as we got started on the path, she started insisting that I carry her. Stinker. But my sister was so good with her and tried to think of ways to keep her walking on her own. Like them walking backwards up a big hill.


After walking for about 30 minutes we reached the duck pond. Little A seemed to be pooped by then and needed a break so we rested for a little while before heading back to the car.


I knew that she wasn't used to all this walking. I usually put her in a stroller when I take this path. So on the way back I carried her off and on. But my back can only handle so much. I think my sister made Little A's day when she gave her a piggy back ride part of the way.


Even though her visit here was short, I am so very thankful for the time that I did get to spend with my sister.


Carolyn (Dragon) said...

I'm glad you and little A. got to spend some time with Chick!

Arlene said...

What a great post to start my day! Good to see Chick!